Speech Therapy

Speech Language Therapy and Rehabilitation

Speech-language therapy is the treatment of disorders that affect one’s speech, language, cognition, voice, or swallowing with the goal of improving daily function and communication. Taking advantage of speech therapy can help you or your loved one learn or regain skills, recover from injury, return to function, and learn effective strategies to maintain your highest potential.

Common Treatments

Take advantage of a variety of speech-language therapy treatments, including:

  • Feeding therapy for children
  • Dysphasia or swallow management to retrain chewing, sucking and swallowing
  • Cognitive therapy to improve attending, memory, problem solving  and sequencing skills
  • Speech therapy to improve pronunciation of sounds for intelligibility/articulation
  • Language therapy to help restore both receptive and expressive language skills
  • Voice therapy to obtain use of optimal voice and eliminate abuse
  • Therapy for tethered oral tissues
  • Therapy for autism

Contact Information

Speech Therapy: (712) 722-8125

Speech Therapists

Patricia Halse, MA,CCC-SLP

Specialty: Speech Language Pathologist, Adult & Pediatric Therapy

Training: SOS feeding, VitaStim NMES, LSVT LOUD

Carly Sayler, MA, CCC-SLP

Specialty: Speech Language Pathologist, Adult & Pediatric Therapy

Training: Tethered oral tissues, orofacial myofunctional therapy