Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgery

Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgery

Sioux Center Health offers a wide variety of surgical procedures that are performed by otolaryngologists, also known as ear, nose, and throat specialists. In addition to common ear tube and tonsil surgery, our surgeons perform advanced sinus surgery using stereotactic guided technology.

Common ear, nose, and throat procedures include:

  • Ears: Ear tube placement, tympanoplasty, Baha hearing implant procedures, eustachian tube dilation, ear wax removal, and stapedectomy procedures.
  • Nose & Sinus:  Broken nose or deviated septum, nasal polyps, balloon sinus dilation and sinus surgery using CT imaged-guided technology
  • Throat:  Removal of tonsils and/or adenoids, various procedures to assist patients who suffer from sleep apnea/snoring, vocal cord nodules.
  • Masses/Lesions: Removal of complex masses, benign or malignant skin cancers, or lipomas on the head, face, or neck.
  • Sleep Apnea: Various procedures to assist patients who suffer from sleep apnea/snoring.  Septoplasties, Uvulectomy, Tonsillectomy, and Inspire. For more information about Inspire visit this link: https://www.inspiresleep.com/en-us/
  • Numerous other minor procedures involving surgery in the head and neck areas.

Contact Information

Sioux Center Health: (712) 722-1271
Scheduling: (712) 722-8374

Surgery Services


Stephanie Burger, MD

Specialty: Ear, Nose, and Throat

Kurtis Korver, MD

Specialty: Ear, Nose, and Throat

Sarah Powell, MD


  • In house diagnostics and lab availability
  • Evaluation of ears, nose, and throat
  • Polyps
  • Allergies
  • Deviated Septum
  • Hearing Loss
  • Chronic Sinusitis
  • Tumors
  • Swallowing Disorders
  • Facial Trauma
  • Smell Disorders
  • Tube placement
  • Numerous other office visit and surgical procedures