Thank you for choosing Sioux Center Health for your health care needs. Our healthcare professionals are dedicated to creating a welcoming, compassionate environment for you while providing you with exceptional health care services.
Please bring with you a photo identification card and insurance card.
For medical clinic, specialty clinic, behavioral health, siouxland memory care, laboratory, and radiology appointments or surgical procedures, please arrive at the main entrance located east side of the hospital to complete your registration process.
For cardiac, therapy services, and wound/foot care, please arrive at the therapy entrance located on the southwest side of the hospital to complete your registration process.
Emergency Center has its own registration area with a private entrance located on the north side of the hospital that is available 24/7 for patients with a medical emergency.
Preparing for Your Visit
While Sioux Center Health is ready to provide your health care needs, there will be a few things you can do to prepare for your hospital visit.
- Please follow the instructions provided by your physician’s office, such as whether not to eat or drink for a specific time period prior to a procedure.
- If you have information on any medications you are taking, including medication name and dosage, please bring it with you.
- Leave any valuables at home or send them home with a loved one.
Tobacco-Free Facilities
For your health and well-being and for all our patients, tobacco use is not permitted anywhere on the Sioux Center Health campus – referring to all buildings, grounds, or parking lots.
Patient’s Rights & Responsibilities
Sioux Center Health is dedicated to providing you with the best possible health care. As part of this commitment to quality, we want to make sure you are treated with dignity and respect, and that you are given all the information you need to understand your condition and make decisions about your treatment. Patient Rights
Advance Care Planning
It is difficult for people to make decisions when under pressure or emotional strain, particularly when there are no clear-cut answers. Issues such as the use of life-sustaining treatments and determining choices of health care require a great deal of discussion and careful thought. Learn how you can create advance care plan to ensure your wishes are followed.
Privacy Practices
Sioux Center Health takes your privacy very seriously. We want you to feel safe knowing your personal and medical information is protected throughout the entire healthcare system. Please review the following brochures carefully: [English] [Spanish]
Non-Discrimination and Accessibility
Sioux Center Health comply with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Sioux Center Health does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. [English] [Spanish]