

Make a Donation

Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of those we serve by being a part of the hands and feet of Jesus’ healing ministry.

Make a Donation

Sioux Center Health Foundation exists to help people share in our ministry of bringing hope, health, and healing to life.  Gifts to the Sioux Center Health Foundation allow us to continue our unwavering commitment of offering high-quality health care right here in our community.

Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of those we serve by being a part of the hands and feet of Jesus’ healing ministry.  You are helping our ministry touch the lives of thousands – whether patients are facing an urgent need, a devastating disease, or seeking to improve the quality of their life.

Through a planned gift, you can support our mission today, with cash or stock for example, or design a plan as part of your estate to benefit our children, patients, tenants, and community after your lifetime.

Explore your options and find a plan that meets your goals.

Giving Options

The Sioux Center Health Foundation provides an opportunity for friends and supporters to share in the health ministry through charitable gifts.

Memorial gifts are a perfect way to remember a special friend or loved one. Memorial gifts also help to provide for the special needs of people seeking health care in our region. Your gift can help save a life or improve the quality of living for others. Through your support, you will touch the lives of our patients, residents, and their families in a special and meaningful way.

Honor gifts celebrate special events and occasions in our lives or the lives of our family and friends. By remembering someone in this way, you not only honor that person but also support health care services for people in our communities. Honor gifts are given in celebration of birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, graduations, or as a way to express your thanks for a kind gesture.

Endowment gifts, in the form of true, term, and general endowments help provide continuing long-term resources to meet present and future needs of individuals as we fulfill our health ministry. As you make financial plans for your future, please remember the Sioux Center Health Foundation.


  • Life Insurance Policy – list Sioux Center Health Foundation as the beneficiary
  • Estate Planning – identify a specific amount or percentage of the residual for Sioux Center Health Foundation
  • Stocks, Mutual Funds, and Property
  • Charitable Remainder Trust
  • Gift Annuity or Deferred Gift Annuities, were making a gift to Sioux Center Health Foundation allows the donor a tax deduction and provides income for the rest of their life

Sponsored Events

Loving Tree

November is National Hospice Month and the holiday seasons mark the time for the Loving Tree Project to benefit Sioux Center Health Hospice and Home Care.  Donors may designate a person to honor or remember with a special ornament displayed on the Loving tree in the lobby at Crown Pointe Estates.

Swinging Fore Scholarships Golf Tournament

The Sioux Center Health Foundation hosts the Annual Swinging Fore Scholarships Foundation Golf Tournament at The Ridge Golf Club in Sioux Center. Each year the proceeds from this tournament are used to provide scholarships to students pursuing careers in the health care field. To sponsor the outing and/or register your team, click here.

Swinging for Scholarships

The Sioux Center Health Foundation provides scholarships to area high school students and community members who are actively pursuing a career in the health field.

Each year the Foundation awards scholarships to:

  • Seniors from area high schools will be awarded $750. Seniors can be from Sioux Center, Hull Western Christian, Boyden-Hull, Unity Christian, Netherlands Reformed, and Trinity Christian.
  • Employee Family Members (immediate family) will be awarded $750.
  • Sioux Center Health Employees will be awarded $1500.
  • College-level Freshmen/Sophomores will be awarded $750 and the Junior/Senior level will be awarded $1500.

Pink Out Events 

Partnering with local high schools during their athletic events to raise awareness for breast cancer.

Sioux Center Health Gift Shop

Sioux Center Health Gift Shop is located in the hospital town center.  The shop features gift items, jewelry, scarves, greeting cards, home decor, inspirational items, toys, candy, and much more.  The proceeds from the gift shop support the Sioux Center Health Foundation.  Hours:  9 AM to 4 PM Monday through Thursday.

Sioux Center Health Foundation Board

Les Brommer – Chair
LoriAnne Andersen, MD – Vice Chair
Tim Byl
Dan Clousing
Dan Cook
Cory DeWit
Cory Gotto
Paul Heitbrink
Blake Krueger
Jana Lammers
Cory Nelson
Matthew Nice
Chad Schuiteman
Brian Van Engen
Erin Vander Velde
Barb Vermeer
Lyle Vermeer
Jerod Work
Gretchen Zomermaand

Contact Information

Kyle Hiemstra, Foundation Director
Phone: (712) 722-8415

1101 9th Street SE
Sioux Center, IA

More Information